Benefits: Hydrates the scalp in an optimal manner. Performs an antimycotic and antibacterial action. Cleanses and relieves the itching giving a pleasant feeling of freshness.
- SPRUCE: rich in lignans, spruce has been proven to be highly effective as an antimicrobial agent, with significant antioxidant and anti-free radical properties. A natural antimicrobial agent and anti-inflammatory.
How to use: Apply directly from the bottle. Gently massage to ensure the distribution. Do not rinse.
功效: 對頭皮有卓越保濕作用,防止頭屑傳播。 淨化及緩和痕癢,予人清爽的感覺。
- 雲杉:富有木酚素,雲杉已被證明為一個高效抗菌劑,有顯著抗氧化和抗自由基功能。一種天然抗菌劑和抗炎藥。
使用方法: 直接搽上頭皮,輕輕按摩,不用沖洗。
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